The Blades of Exile Short Competition
Want to design a scenario, but get frustrated with the prospect of spending six months working on it, and still not finishing? Ever want to have your work evaluated, but didn't feel it measured up to the epic length scenarios like Quests of the Spheres or Tatterdemalion? Then perhaps the short competition is for you! Starting on December 16th, all entrants will design a scenario from scratch. On December 30th, all entrants will cease their work, and submit their entries! It's the first Blades of Exile Short Competition!
The rules are pretty simple!
1. Scenario design will begin on December 16th, and all entries will be due on December 30th. (This rule applies only to work within the Scenario Editor itself. Planning and graphics work is allowed prior to this date.)
2. To enforce #1, a special bladbase file will be created and distributed on December 16th. Minor (non game play effecting) modifications have been made to the file that will prevent anyone from submitting a scenario begun earlier than December 16th.
3. Once the scenarios are finished and submitted, they will be judged and the best three will be recognized. The judging panel is not yet set - we're looking for volunteers. If you'd like to be on it, email me!
4. To enable some beta testing, we're looking for a pool of beta testers who would be willing to do some quick testing on fairly short scenarios. The ideas is to allow designers to submit scenarios for testing on or before the 28th, and have some feedback by noon on the 30th. If you're willing to do such yeoman work, we'd all be very grateful. Please email me!
5. Lastly - all entrants must sign up for the competition no later than December 15th. To sign up, just email me indicating you'd like to compete.
The Blades of Exile Short Competition is part of The Lyceum.